Sunday, 1 February 2009

Supreme and Awesome

Found another old piece I thought I'd share.

Years ago Rob Liefeld managed to get Alan Moore writing a few of his books, one of them being Supreme, Rob's Superman clone. I found myself saying nice things to Rob and Jeph Loeb at their Awesome Comics booth (it was the name of their company, their booth was actually pretty average) and they found themselves asking me to draw a pin-up. It was a blast to draw, and they paid really quickly (despite what I was told to expect by some other freelancers). The three characters in the pic with Supreme were (left to right) CaterKiller, TNTnA, and Demon Alisa. The boots flying out of the panel don't really qualify as a character

De-Mona-Lisa, get it? Yeah, they were lame, but fun.

A while later I was asked to write a mini-series for them, which would have also been a blast, but I was also working for someone they were being sued by at the time so it didn't work out.

My career is a little strange in that I've had some negative experiences with some people with great reputations and some great experiences with people less than popular.

Anyway - -the new drawing exercise will be a little late this week, I'm playing catch-up after a week of bad health. Probably Tuesday.



Anonymous said...

Very nice. Also, hope you're feeling better.

RKB said...

Nice art. I happen to own, and love the first three issues of supreme. The thing that got was it took Superman and turned it into a flight out horror story -DAMN!!!!
Later Alan Moore came along and wrecked the whole works for me. To read some of the comments 'round the net you'd think rob liefield never wrote a check that didn't bounce sky high. Nice to hear that wasn't the case.