Tuesday, 18 December 2007


I've been obsessing over the first issue of Northlanders from Vertigo. This Viking comic has all savagery and three times the wit you'd expect of a Norse tale. It feels like some of Robert E. Howard's historical fiction, but with a more modern slant on the dialogue. You know what, I think it's essentially crime pulp set in the Viking era.
Brian Wood and Davide Gianfelice really outdid themselves here. Pick this book up!
It inspired me to to the drawing up there -- it's screaming at me to colour it. If I have the time, I will.


theoldbastard said...

Hey that Northlanders issue was bloody good wasn't it? I enjoyed it immensely and can't wait for issue 2. I don't think it has to be related to any genre though-just being a viking saga is good enough. After all we had their stories long before the pulps.
Cool sketch as it is, but I guess it would be good to see your colour scheme.

Brian Wood said...

Very nice!!

Richard Pace said...

Thanks guys!

Charles R. Rutledge said...

Northlanders does indeed Rock. I'm reading a historical novel about the Northmen in Byzantium this weekend so the comic tied right in. Your drawing is excellent, Richard. Like to see you do some Conan for DH or some historical something or other.

Richard Pace said...

I'd like that too! Conan is essentially the reason I started doing art.